Construction Risks Professional Indemnity

Construction Risks Professional Indemnity

Why Birchin?

Unlike many of our competitors, at Birchin we don’t operate a ‘one size fits all’ approach – we understand that each business is unique and requires individual handling.

As an independent broker we have access to a wide range of insurance markets and will always put your needs first, in selecting an insurer not only with competitive terms, but who also understands your risk thoroughly and offers the highest level of security rating.

We are completely impartial and are not tied into placing business with one particular market, allowing us to access a full breadth of offerings.

We can offer cover for all aspects of the construction profession, especially design & construction and specialised allied contractors. We will understand your business fully and our approach is tailored to your requirements.

You will deal with a knowledgeable and experienced team with the skills needed to negotiate the best terms available with our insurance markets.

Why does my company need Professional Indemnity Insurance ?

All firms and specialist individuals who provide services and advice for a fee or on a contractual basis need to provide their services with the professionalism, skill and care that they have been employed for.

Even the most diligent of experts can make mistakes, causing a third party to suffer financial losses because of a negligent act, error or omission. Professional indemnity provides protection for the firm giving the service. Most contracts will stipulate the level of indemnity that a specialist firm will need to carry.

Since the tragic fire at Grenfell Tower in 2017, it has become noticeably more difficult for professional indemnity insurance to be purchased, on an affordable basis and with the appropriate level of cover. It is more important than ever to be engaged with a specialist insurance broker who understands the market and can access suitable terms with knowledgeable and experienced insurers.

What will professional indemnity insurance typically cover ?

PI insurance contracts cover the various legal costs and expenses associated with the defence of claims brought against you, and for awards of costs and damages against you if you are alleged to have provided deficient services which cause your client to suffer a financial loss. It is important to remember that PI insurance will cover the defence of any accusation as well as any ensuing award.

Buildings may appear to have design defects that cause damage as a result of the design of the structure for example, but exposures to a claim can also arise from other aspects such as supervision, surveying, engineering and technical calculations, specifications and project management.

How to obtain a quotation for Professional Indemnity Insurance

We would invite you to initially speak with us and outline your areas of practice, and then complete a proposal form which sets out details of your business in far greater detail. Please use the form below and return it to us at [email protected]

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